On the morning of 15th June 2018 the Trust’s golden teapot was hoisted into position on the frontage of 73-74 Saddler Street, the new premises of
Newcastle Building Society. The latter, as delighted as Trustees to see the glistening piece of street furniture in position, very kindly presented an iced cake, with teapot outlined, and coffee to Trustees and members. The honours were performed by Kathryn McLaughlin (head of corporate
communications of the Society) who had been enthusiastically helpful from the beginning. Thanks are due to the conservator, Wendy Somerville-Woodiwis, who went the extra mile in examining and conserving the item. (It was Wendy who surprised us by discovering that the pot had originally been golden-coloured, not black.) Dennis Jones kindly arranged for the teapot to be conserved in the Durham Museum. Thanks are also due to WJM Quigley Ltd, who fixed the teapot with a minimum of fuss or disruption to pedestrians and none to traffic. Finally, not least, Trustees’ gratitude rests with colleague Dennis Jones, who took the initiative at all stages of the process.