Who we are

The Very Revd Cyril A Alington, DD Dean of Durham, 1933-51

Roberta Blackman-Woods, PhD
Bill Bryson, OBE, HonFRS
The Very Revd Michael Sadgrove, MA

John Ashby, BSc, MPhil, MRTPI
Tim Clark, BA, DPhil
Sue Childs, BSc, MSc (Vice Chair)
Roger Cornwell, BSc
Adrian Green, BA, MA, PhD
Richard Hird, MA, MRTPI, LTCL
Chris Hugill, LLB, Solicitor (non-practising)
Michael Hurlow, CMLI, IHBC
John Lowe, MAEd (Chair)
Matthew Phillips, MA, MCLIP
Francis Pritchard, LLB, DipLib (Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary)