Applications: 2020

Magdalene Heights 2020


Magdalene Heights Gilesgate Durham DH1 1SY

Erection of first floor extension and internal alterations to an existing mixed use C3/C4 building to provide additional C4 accommodation including the addition of 3no C4 apartments overall creating 5no self-contained C4 apartments for student accommodation (Amended Description)


Durham Sixth Form Centre Excavations


Arts Block Durham Sixth Form Centre The Sands Durham DH1 1SG

Variation of condition no.4 (underground storage to excavating the required volume by excavating grassed area) in relation to previous planning application DM/20/01094/FPA for single storey ground floor extension to existing visual arts building


Aykley Heads: outline application


Land At Aykley Heads Durham DH1 5UQ

Hybrid planning application comprising detailed planning application for an office block (Class B1) with associated parking and landscaping on land known as Plot C and an outline planning application, with all matters reserved apart from site access, for the demolition of the existing County Hall site and the development of a business park (Class B1) with supporting retail and leisure uses comprising uses within Class A1 (retail), Class A2 (financial and professional services), Class A3 (food and drink), Class D1 (non-residential institutions) and Class D2 (assembly and leisure) with associated landscaping, multi-storey and surface car parking, servicing and relevant infrastructure.


The Riverwalk: temporary outdoor seating


The Riverwalk Millburngate Durham DH1 4SL

Temporary change of use of part circulation/amenity space to allow outdoor seating areas (until 30th September 2021)


Ebony Bar Freemans Place 2020


Ebony Unit 8 Freemans Place Durham DH1 1SQ

Change of use of open space to beer garden including shelving, stools, parasol and metal barriers.


Durham Sixth Form Centre Windows


Durham Sixth Form Centre The Sands Durham DH1 1SG

Replacement of single glazed timber windows with double glazed aluminium units.


Mount Oswald Manor House alterations


Mount Oswald South Road Durham DH1 3TQ

Change of use, alteration and extension to existing Manor House to form Registry Office, County Records and Archive Services, and DLI Collection.


Mount Oswald trees 20th May 2020


Land At The West Of Mount Oswald Golf Club South Road Durham DH1 3TQ

Pruning and removal of various trees as specified.
