Applications: Policy 22

St Leonards School Demolition and Replacement


St Leonards Catholic School North End Durham DH1 4NG

Demolition of existing school buildings and development of a replacement school building and works to the retained Springwell Hall, along with car parking, hard and soft landscaping including works to trees, replacement playing pitches, and access arrangements.


New College Durham Playing Pitch and Car Park


New College Durham Framwellgate Moor Durham DH1 5ES

Full planning application for the construction of a new all-weather playing pitch with associated lighting and the repositioning of the car park


Land to the East of Diamond Terrace Car Park


Land To The East Of Diamond Terrace Durham DH1 5SX

Car park with associated landscaping


Bent House Lane Reserved Matters


Land To The East Of Regents Court Sherburn Road Durham

Reserved matters application for 470 dwellings (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to DM/20/03558/OUT.


Sniperley Park County Durham Land Application: 2021


Land At Sniperley Park West Of The A167 And North And South Of The B6532 Durham

Demolition of existing buildings adjacent to B6532 and outline planning permission (all matters reserved except access) for a maximum of 1,550 dwellings (Use Class C3), a local Centre (use classes E and F2), public house (use class sui generis) and primary school (use class F1), associated infrastructure and landscaping


Sniperley Park Bellway Application: 2021


Land North And East Of Sniperley Farm Durham DH1 5RA

Hybrid planning application consisting of outline planning permission (all matters reserved) for an extension to the Sniperley Park and Ride and full planning permission for the development of 370 dwellings associated access and works and demolition of former farm buildings


Former Skid Pan Aykeley Heads


Land At Former Skid Pan North Of Woodward Way Aykley Heads DH1 5ZH

Proposed development of 48 residential dwellings with associated infrastructure, open space and highway improvements
