Applications: Policy 9

37 Silver Steet


37 – 38 Silver Street Durham DH1 3RD

Conversion of lower ground floor and part of the ground floor from retail (E) to form 1no small HMO (C4)


Prince Bishops Shopping Centre Regeneration


Prince Bishops Shopping Centre High Street Durham DH1 3UJ

Redevelopment of existing shopping centre comprising partial demolition of the shopping centre above the existing mall level (Levels 5 and above) and erection of replacement commercial units (Class E), a hotel (Class C1) and purpose built student accommodation (Sui Generis) at Level 5 and above, along with a new outdoor public square and public realm improvements. External alterations to the boat repair and maintenance workshop including use of external areas to create outside terraces for leisure use (Levels 0 and 1) (Class E), external alterations to the elevations of the retained areas of the shopping centre and car park, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works.


70 Saddler Street


70 Saddler Street Durham DH1 3NP

Minor internal reconfiguration to become 2no capacity residential apartment, with a change of use class to C3(c).


STACK, 4-6 Silver Street


4 – 6 Silver Street Durham DH1 3RB

Change Of Use from Class E ‘Commercial, Business And Services’ to a mixed-use comprising uses within use Class E and Sui Generis ‘Drinking establishments and venues for live music performances and events’ with ancillary facilities, alterations to the external elevations and provision of a roof-top terrace with external seating and associated facilities.


12 North Road Change of Use from Retail to Gaming Centre


12 North Road Durham DH1 4SH

Change of use from retail to adult gaming centre.


37 North Road, Hot food takeaway


37 North Road Durham DH1 4SE

Change of use of ground floor premises from Dental Surgery (Use Class E) to Hot Food Takeaway (Sui Generis) with associated internal alterations
