Applications: Policy T1

St Leonards School Demolition and Replacement


St Leonards Catholic School North End Durham DH1 4NG

Demolition of existing school buildings and development of a replacement school building and works to the retained Springwell Hall, along with car parking, hard and soft landscaping including works to trees, replacement playing pitches, and access arrangements.


Prince Bishops Shopping Centre Regeneration


Prince Bishops Shopping Centre High Street Durham DH1 3UJ

Redevelopment of existing shopping centre comprising partial demolition of the shopping centre above the existing mall level (Levels 5 and above) and erection of replacement commercial units (Class E), a hotel (Class C1) and purpose built student accommodation (Sui Generis) at Level 5 and above, along with a new outdoor public square and public realm improvements. External alterations to the boat repair and maintenance workshop including use of external areas to create outside terraces for leisure use (Levels 0 and 1) (Class E), external alterations to the elevations of the retained areas of the shopping centre and car park, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works.


Melbury Court PBSA


Land To The North West Of Melbury Court Old Dryburn Way Durham DH1 5SE

Construction of purpose built student accommodation (Sui Generis) with associated car and cycle parking, pedestrian infrastructure and landscaping (amended plans received 04.12.2024)


Rowanwood Clay Lane


Rowanwood Clay Lane Durham DH1 4QL

Demolition of existing buildings and construction of 9 small House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) dwellings (use class C4) and 1 large HMO (use class sui generis) in three blocks.


Land to the East of Diamond Terrace Car Park


Land To The East Of Diamond Terrace Durham DH1 5SX

Car park with associated landscaping


Blagdon Depot Frankland Lane


Blagdon Depot Frankland Lane Durham DH1 5TA

Demolition of 6no. existing industrial units and erection of 4no. commercial units (Use Class B2), with associated parking, landscaping and boundary enclosures.


St Cuthberts House Diamond Terrace


St Cuthberts House Diamond Terrace Durham DH1 5SU

Demolition of the Mainstreet USA offices, and the erection of a new build 2-4 storey workplace building and associated landscaping.


Former Skid Pan Aykeley Heads


Land At Former Skid Pan North Of Woodward Way Aykley Heads DH1 5ZH

Proposed development of 48 residential dwellings with associated infrastructure, open space and highway improvements
