Applications: 2020

66 Saddler Street


Ground Floor 66 Saddler Street Durham DH1 3NP

Change of use from betting shop (sui generis) to restaurant (use class A3) including extraction to side elevation.


Mount Oswald trees 7th May 2020


Mount Oswald Golf Club South Road Durham DH1 3TQ

Felling of trees T458, T471, T472, T504, T513 and T528. Reduction of trees T505, T506, T515 T517 to form 3m high wildlife monoliths. Pruning of trees T485, T486, T487, T488, T489, T491, T495, T497, T501, T510, T526 and T548.


Lowes BarnCommunity Centre


Lowes Barn Recreation Ground Off Park House Road Durham DH1 3QF

Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) pursuant to planning permission DM/20/01008/FPA for the erection of a new community centre
