Applications: April 2022

In addition to the new applications listed below, further responses were sent relating to the following applications:

  • Leamside Football Centre
    DM/21/01404/FPALeamside Equestrian Limited Stud And Equestrian Centre White House Farm Pit House Lane Leamside Houghton-le-Spring DH4 6QJ
  • Rosewood Walk Ushaw Moor
    DM/21/01697/FPALand East And West Of 5-8 Rosewood Walk Ushaw Moor DH7 7JY
Croxdale Houses


Land South East Of 18 Foster Terrace Croxdale DH6 5HP

New build development of 6 new dwelling houses in the form of 2 terraces of 3 units including 3 no 3 bed units and 3 no 2 bed units


The Fat Buddha Unit-6B and-6C Freemans Place


The Fat Buddha Unit 6B And 6C Freemans Place Durham DH1 1SQ

Erection and Dispaly of 2No Internally Illuminated Fascia Signs


East Moor Leazes Farm Brasside


East Moor Leazes Farm Bungalow Brasside DH1 5SG

Conversion of existing agricultural barn to 1 no. dwellinghouse including alterations to facilitate conversion (Resubmitted)


Mount Oswald Hoardings


Mount Oswald Golf Club South Road Durham DH1 3TQ

Erection of two hoardings


TPO University Hospital of North Durham


University Hospital Of North Durham North Road Durham DH1 5TW

T1 – Willow (fell), T2 – Oak (tag 190 – Crown clean to remove deadwood and split/hanging branches), T3 Sweet Chestnut (tag 112 – Remove low marked tier of branches, upto 1.5m reduction of overhanging branches, remove major deadwood and split branches), T4 Birch (Remove split/hanging branches), T5 Willow (Reduce central leader to below split from recent storm damage and remove marked section of limb growing towards fire road) and T6 – 2x Pines (Fell) (TPO ref PNI-359)


18 The Riverwalk


17 – 18 The Riverwalk Millburngate Durham DH1 4SL

Erection and Display of 3 no illuminated fascia signs


35 Silver Street Takeaway


35 Silver Street Durham DH1 3RD

Fit out and change of use of an existing vacant unit to form a cafe takeaway under sui generis, including a new kitchen extract ducting to the rear and 2 new condensers


7 The Avenue


7 The Avenue Durham DH1 4ED

Dormer windows to front and rear, 2no rooflights to rear, insert roof lantern and 2no bi-folding doors to existing rear extension
