STACK, 4-6 Silver Street


4 – 6 Silver Street Durham DH1 3RB

Change Of Use from Class E ‘Commercial, Business And Services’ to a mixed-use comprising uses within use Class E and Sui Generis ‘Drinking establishments and venues for live music performances and events’ with ancillary facilities, alterations to the external elevations and provision of a roof-top terrace with external seating and associated facilities.

Trust response Objection
Status Decided (Approved)
Date validated 15/12/2022
Standard consultation start date 22/03/2023
Consultation expiry date 12/04/2023
Decision date 12/04/2023
Parish City Of Durham
Ward Elvet and Gilesgate



The Trust made objections to the Stack’s application for a premises licence:



This application was approved, despite concerns raised that the application fails to satisfy the requirements of the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy, and it fails to promote all four of the licensing objectives (see detailed objections submitted by the Crossgate Community Partnership. In particular:

  • Moatside Lane is totally unsuitable as an emergency exit;
  • the license is for the premises as a whole, not for the individual drinking establishments within them. This sharing of responsibility for the licensing arrangements is likely to leave loopholes and make it even more difficult to achieve the licensing objectives.




  1. Message Am I right in thinking this has already been approved for another drinking venue right in the heart of the city. I maybe a bit late in objecting then but I only can see disaster with a rooftop terrace and young people also I do hope that the old cobbles of moatside lane are not disturbed for fire exits and bright lights.

  2. Yes, STACK Durham now has both the necessary planning and licensing approvals despite objections from the Trust, the Parish Council, and many others. There are conditions on how late the rooftop terrace can remain open.We had, and have, major concerns about the safety of the proposed fire exits into Moatside Lane which formed part of our objection to the planning application, link above.

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