In addition to the new applications listed below, further responses were sent relating to the following applications:
Chapel Of St Mary The Less St Johns Chapel South Bailey Durham DH1 3EQ
Installation of 3no. air source heat pumps to the rear of the building
Plot D Land At Aykley Heads Framwelgate Peth Durham DH1 5UQ
Reserved Matters submission for the matters of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale pursuant to hybrid planning permission DM/24/02829/VOC, to create a Data Centre and ancillary office space (Use Class E(g)(ii)) with associated landscaping and infrastructure on Plot D.
Plot D Land At Aykley Heads Framwelgate Peth Durham DH1 5UQ
Variation of Conditions 1 (Approved Plans), 2 (Floor Space and Use Classes), 5 (Travel Plan) and 10 (Ecology) pursuant to hybrid planning permission DM/20/01846/FPA, to create a Data Centre and ancillary office space (Use Class E(g)(ii)) with associated landscaping and infrastructure on Plot D.
Hallgarth Care Home Hallgarth Street Durham DH1 3AY
Conversion of a former care home to Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) comprising 48 studio bedspaces, including re-roofing of conservatories; cycle shelter; bin store; EV bays and associated works
Railway Station Station Approach Durham DH1 4RB
Refurbishment of platform canopy structures and replacement of the glazing and support system on canopies to platform 1 and 2 and the station building entrance canopy (at platform 2) and the stairwell glazed enclosure on platform 2
20A South Street Durham DH1 4QP
Replacement entrance door with glazed panel above, and renovation of existing sliding sash windows to front, side and rear
East Durham And Houghall Community College Houghall Durham DH1 3SG
Full planning application for the partial demolition, refurbishment and retention of the existing college buildings, and construction of a new two-storey teaching block and ancillary buildings (hay barn, sheep shed, grain store and bio-secure boot wash) with associated external works, substation, landscaping and access
32A Silver Street Durham DH1 3RD
Change of use of a restaurant (Use Class E) to a small house in multiple occupation (Use Class C4) and associated internal alterations