St Leonards School Notice to Fell Trees in Conservation Area


St Leonards Catholic School North End Durham DH1 4NG

Proposed felling of 21no. trees within the Durham (City Centre) Conservation Area, as detailed within Arboricultural Impact assessment ARB/AE/3301/d)For the avoidance of doubt, tree no.33 referenced within the report is subject to a Tree Preservation Officer, and is not proposed for removal pursuant to this Notice

Trust response Objection
Status Decided (Raise No Objection)
Date validated 12/04/2024
Standard consultation start date 22/04/2024
Consultation expiry date 13/05/2024
Decision date 22/05/2024
Parish City Of Durham
Ward Neville’s Cross


St-Leonards-School-Notice-to-Fell Trees-in-Conservation-Area-2024-May-14


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