Good citizens awards

At the City of Durham Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 25th May John Ashby and Roger Cornwell, Trustees of the City of Durham Trust, received ‘Good Citizens’ awards.

John and Roger are stalwart members of the community who have worked voluntarily to protect and enhance the City in so many ways for many years. John was a previous parish councillor, a member of the Working Group that produced the City’s Neighbourhood Plan, and active in the ‘Durham Green Belt Group’ along with many other campaigns. He is Secretary of Durham University and Residents Forum (DURF). Roger was also a previous parish councillor, Chair of the Working Party that produced the City’s Neighbourhood Plan, and has been Chair of the City of Durham Trust. They were both active participants in the two Examinations in Public that shaped the County Durham Local Plan. The experience they have in planning matters is a vital resource for the City of Durham Trust when responding to local planning proposals and local and national consultations.

These ‘Good Citizens’ awards are a well deserved recognition of all that John and Roger have done for the City.

Roger and John with their Good Citizens Awards