Applications: Conservation area

STACK, 4-6 Silver Street


4 – 6 Silver Street Durham DH1 3RB

Change Of Use from Class E ‘Commercial, Business And Services’ to a mixed-use comprising uses within use Class E and Sui Generis ‘Drinking establishments and venues for live music performances and events’ with ancillary facilities, alterations to the external elevations and provision of a roof-top terrace with external seating and associated facilities.


Cricket Pavilion Green Lane


Durham City Cricket Pavilion Green Lane Durham DH1 3JU

Installation of security shutters to timber porch and windows on the north elevation, 4no flood lights, 1no to each elevation and erection of security fence and gate to the side


77 Hallgarth Street Car Park Resurfacing


77 Hallgarth Street Durham DH1 3AY

Resurfacing of existing car park


7 The College


7 The College Durham DH1 3EQ

Removal of external coal store to create parking area, internal alterations and introduction of secondary glazing to ground floor windows


12-14 The College


12 -14 The College Durham DH1 3EQ

Fabric repairs to external elevations including reconstruction, stone replacement, indents and repointing, dismantle battlemented parapet, install damp proof course and reconstruct existing stone. Remove failed roman cement render and provision of new roman cement render following repairs to substrate, paint windows following joinery repairs and dismantle parapet and roof covering


66 Saddler Street Variation of Conditions-2 and-5


Ground Floor 66 Saddler Street Durham DH1 3NP

Variation of conditions 2 and 5 pursuant to planning permission DM/19/03836/FPA relating to equipment to be used.


Ansford Potters Bank Oct 2022


Ansford Potters Bank Durham DH1 3RR

Erection of detached double garage with first floor accommodation


Low Burnhall Farmhouse: outhouses demolition and new extension


Low Burnhall Farmhouse Darlington Road Durham DH1 3ST

Demolition of existing pigsty/storage building and erection of single storey side extension to main dwelling to form a ‘Granny’ annex and installation of roof lights and other alterations (description amended)
