Applications: County Durham Plan

38 Highgate


St Leonards School Demolition and Replacement


St Leonards Catholic School North End Durham DH1 4NG

Demolition of existing school buildings and development of a replacement school building and works to the retained Springwell Hall, along with car parking, hard and soft landscaping including works to trees, replacement playing pitches, and access arrangements.


35 Hallgarth Street


35 Hallgarth Street Durham DH1 3AT

Single storey rear extension, loft conversion including 4no. dormer windows and roof pitch and height alterations, replacement of single glazed windows with double glazing throughout and replacing window in rear elevation of rear off-shoot with patio doors and alterations to raised land to rear


5 Hawthorn Terrace


5 Hawthorn Terrace Durham DH1 4EL

Replacement of existing dormer roof extension with larger catslide roof dormer extension to rear.


Land to the South of Pimlico Sign


Land To The South Of Pimlico Durham DH1 4QW

Freestanding directional sign


27 Old Elvet


27 Old Elvet Durham DH1 3HN

Erection of non-load bearing partition; alteration of non-load bearing partition; removal of steel spiral stair and restoration of timber staircase.


50 The Avenue Windows


50 The Avenue Durham DH1 4EB

Variation of condition(s) 2 (Approved Plans) and condition 3 (Materials) pursuant to DM/22/01606/FPA to install timber sliding sash windows


Prince Bishops Shopping Centre Regeneration


Prince Bishops Shopping Centre High Street Durham DH1 3UJ

Redevelopment of existing shopping centre comprising partial demolition of the shopping centre above the existing mall level (Levels 5 and above) and erection of replacement commercial units (Class E), a hotel (Class C1) and purpose built student accommodation (Sui Generis) at Level 5 and above, along with a new outdoor public square and public realm improvements. External alterations to the boat repair and maintenance workshop including use of external areas to create outside terraces for leisure use (Levels 0 and 1) (Class E), external alterations to the elevations of the retained areas of the shopping centre and car park, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works.
