Applications: County Durham Plan

164A Gilesgate Single Storey Dwelling


164A Gilesgate Durham DH1 1QH

Erection of single storey dwellinghouse


6-7 Market Place


6 – 7 Market Place Durham DH1 3HL

External existing signage and alarm box to be removed and made good; existing night safe’s face plate to be removed and existing aperture to be infilled with stonework to match existing; existing ATM to be removed and existing aperture to be infilled with stonework to match existing; existing letter boxes to be sealed internally. Internally remove cashiers counters from the ground floor; remove all furniture and Barclays fittings from all floors; removal of metal cage from basement level; removal of 1no existing glazing partition and 1no existing glazing door from ground level. (Amended description 03.01.2024)


84 Claypath Shopfront and Flats Signage


84 Claypath Durham DH1 1RG

Internally illuminated fascia sign Sign over entrance door to flats above (less than 1.2sqm)


39 Saddler Street Shopfront Refutbishment


39 Saddler Street Durham DH1 3NU

Refurbishment of existing shopfront with replaced lighting. (Amended Description 05.03.2024)


10 Mavin Street


10 Mavin Street Durham DH1 3AU

The material change of use of a dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a small House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4)


45A Sunderland Road 2023


45A Sunderland Road Gilesgate Durham DH1 2QH

Retention of existing 5-bedroom C4 HMO and two-bedroom C3 flat and extensions and alterations to create 2 no. additional two-bedroom flats (total 4 no. separate units) (description amended)


58 Bradford Crescent


58 Bradford Crescent Gilesgate Durham DH1 1HL

Change of use from dwellinghouse (C3) to small HMO (C4) including single storey extension, cycle parking and bin storage to rear


Care Home and Access Road The Drive


Land South Of South College The Drive Durham DH1 3LD

Full planning application for the erection of a 74 bed care home facility (Class C2 Use), with associated access road, car parking, cycle storage, landscaping, boundary treatments and refuse facilities.
