Applications: Economy

7-8 Silver Streeet


7 – 8 Silver Street Durham DH1 3RB

Display of new signage comprising individual timber lettering on timber fascia; 2 no. window vinyls; and 1 no. projecting sign (retrospective)


The Riverwalk Outside Seating


The Riverwalk Millburngate Durham DH1 4SL

Change of use of circulation/amenity space to outdoor seating areas


Farnley Tower


Farnley Tower The Avenue Durham DH1 4DX

Addition of conservatory and terrace to serve the restaurant and bar


North Road Toilets, 2021


Former Public Toilets North Road Durham DH1 4RE

To convert into cafe, new glazing to frontage and to repoint existing brickwork, 1.2m high glass balustrade to allow roof to be used for seating


7-8 Silver Street


7 – 8 Silver Street Durham DH1 3RB

Change of use of part of first floor into two small houses in multiple occupation (HMO) (use class C4).


Aykley Heads: outline application


Land At Aykley Heads Durham DH1 5UQ

Hybrid planning application comprising detailed planning application for an office block (Class B1) with associated parking and landscaping on land known as Plot C and an outline planning application, with all matters reserved apart from site access, for the demolition of the existing County Hall site and the development of a business park (Class B1) with supporting retail and leisure uses comprising uses within Class A1 (retail), Class A2 (financial and professional services), Class A3 (food and drink), Class D1 (non-residential institutions) and Class D2 (assembly and leisure) with associated landscaping, multi-storey and surface car parking, servicing and relevant infrastructure.


The Riverwalk: temporary outdoor seating


The Riverwalk Millburngate Durham DH1 4SL

Temporary change of use of part circulation/amenity space to allow outdoor seating areas (until 30th September 2021)
