St Leonards Catholic School North End Durham DH1 4NG
Proposed felling of 21no. trees within the Durham (City Centre) Conservation Area, as detailed within Arboricultural Impact assessment ARB/AE/3301/d)For the avoidance of doubt, tree no.33 referenced within the report is subject to a Tree Preservation Officer, and is not proposed for removal pursuant to this Notice
St Leonards Catholic School North End Durham DH1 4NG
Demolition of existing disused school buildings
Prince Bishops Shopping Centre High Street Durham DH1 3UJ
Redevelopment of existing shopping centre comprising partial demolition of the shopping centre above the existing mall level (Levels 5 and above) and erection of replacement commercial units (Class E), a hotel (Class C1) and purpose built student accommodation (Sui Generis) at Level 5 and above, along with a new outdoor public square and public realm improvements. External alterations to the boat repair and maintenance workshop including use of external areas to create outside terraces for leisure use (Levels 0 and 1) (Class E), external alterations to the elevations of the retained areas of the shopping centre and car park, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works.
East Durham And Houghall Community College Houghall Durham DH1 3SG
Removal of 5 trees and the pruning of 4 trees/shrubs
Land East Of 7 Church Street Villas Durham DH1 3DW
3no 1.5 storey 2 bedroom dwellings with associated parking/turning area.
Land East Of Coxyde Newton Hall Farm Newton Hall DH1 5RP
Construction of detached dwelling.
3 Woodland Close Bearpark Durham DH7 7EB
Crown reduction not exceeding an overall 25% volume equivalent to a maximum of 1.5 m crown reduction all round, reduction and removal of small diameter branches in the outer part of the tree crowns, pruning of secondary lateral branches under 75 mmdiameter and removal of visible deadwood, broken or hung-up branches from two Oak trees at the rear of the property. -(TPOPN1-317)
St Cuthberts Hospice Park House Road Durham DH1 3QF
To extend car park