Applications: Green infrastructure

Sniperley Park Bellway Application: 2022 – 2023


Land North And East Of Sniperley Farm Durham DH1 5RA

Hybrid planning application consisting of outline planning permission (all matters reserved) for an extension to the Sniperley Park and Ride and full planning permission for the development of 368 dwellings associated access and works and demolition of former farm buildings (resubmission).


Sniperley Park County Durham Land Application: 2022 – 2023


Land At Sniperley Park Pity Me DH1 5DZ

Demolition of existing buildings adjacent to B6532 and outline planning permission (all matters reserved except for access) for a maximum of 1,550 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), a local centre (Use Classes E and F2), public house (Use Class Sui Generis) and primary school (Use Class F1), compensatory improvements to the Green Belt, associated infrastructure and landscaping (resubmission).


DLI Museum


DLI Museum Durham DH1 5TU

Refurbishment and extension of existing museum for use as exhibition centre and gallery venue (Use Class F.1) with ancillary restaurant/cafe (Use Class E(b)) and retail (Use Class E(a)) uses, and alterations to landscaping, access, and parking.


Durham Castle North Terrace Garden


University College Durham Castle Palace Green Durham DH1 3RW

Re-landscaping of existing North Terrace to Durham Castle to provide suitable outdoor student space for the wider student experience. Creation of a well being garden and walkway adorned with period appropriate plantings and benches.


Fellows Garden


Fellows Garden University College Durham Castle Palace Green Durham

New garden landscape design with proposed terrace and amenities to provide accessible facilities for the community at Fellows Garden


Cricket Pavilion Green Lane


Durham City Cricket Pavilion Green Lane Durham DH1 3JU

Installation of security shutters to timber porch and windows on the north elevation, 4no flood lights, 1no to each elevation and erection of security fence and gate to the side


77 Hallgarth Street Car Park Resurfacing


77 Hallgarth Street Durham DH1 3AY

Resurfacing of existing car park


Fernhill: Redevlopment of Stable Block into Residence (new application)


Fernhill Newcastle Road Crossgate Moor Durham DH1 4JZ

Proposed Redevelopment of Stables to Provide 1no 3 Bed Dwelling
