Applications: Heritage

Crook Hall Fire Alarms


Historic Property And Gardens Crook Hall Sidegate Durham DH1 5SZ

Replacement and upgrading of fire alarm system for Crook Hall (Grade I) and the Coach House (Grade II).


DLI Museum


DLI Museum Durham DH1 5TU

Refurbishment and extension of existing museum for use as exhibition centre and gallery venue (Use Class F.1) with ancillary restaurant/cafe (Use Class E(b)) and retail (Use Class E(a)) uses, and alterations to landscaping, access, and parking.


Norman Chapel Durham Castle


University College Durham Castle Palace Green Durham DH1 3RW

The addition of a secondary double door-set to create inner lobby, the removal and in-filling of 6no. mid-twentieth century stone niches and the removal of 1no. mid-twentieth century timber door-set at the Norman Chapel, Durham.


Durham Castle North Terrace Garden


University College Durham Castle Palace Green Durham DH1 3RW

Re-landscaping of existing North Terrace to Durham Castle to provide suitable outdoor student space for the wider student experience. Creation of a well being garden and walkway adorned with period appropriate plantings and benches.


Fellows Garden


Fellows Garden University College Durham Castle Palace Green Durham

New garden landscape design with proposed terrace and amenities to provide accessible facilities for the community at Fellows Garden


Cricket Pavilion Green Lane


Durham City Cricket Pavilion Green Lane Durham DH1 3JU

Installation of security shutters to timber porch and windows on the north elevation, 4no flood lights, 1no to each elevation and erection of security fence and gate to the side


Tower Cottage The Avenue Extensions and Carport


Tower Cottage The Avenue Durham DH1 4EB

Raising of roof height and creation of upper floor. Rear and side extensions to existing house, including terraces to side and front and internal re-configuration. Detached car port with gazebo and garden storage facility and new vehicular access.


Bow Cottage External Decking


Bow Cottage Bow Lane Durham DH1 3ER

Replacement and extension of external decking with associated fencing including new gate (part retrospective)
