Applications: Housing

Care Home and Access Road The Drive


Land South Of South College The Drive Durham DH1 3LD

Full planning application for the erection of a 74 bed care home facility (Class C2 Use), with associated access road, car parking, cycle storage, landscaping, boundary treatments and refuse facilities.


1 Beech Crest


1 Beech Crest Durham DH1 4QF

Sub-divide dwelling (C3) into 3no flats (Part Retrospective)


4 St Margarets Garth


4 St Margarets Garth Durham DH1 4DS

Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to flexible use permission as a dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) and a House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4) under the provisions of Class V of Part 3 of Schedule 3 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 including conversion of garage into habitable room, internal alterations and insertion of roof lights to front and rear


29 Silver Street


29 Silver Street Durham DH1 3RD

Change of use and conversion of lower floors (part of basement and sub-basement) to form a 2-bed duplex apartment (Use Class C3) with installation of new windows and door to yard elevation


4 Nevilledale Terrace


4 Nevilledale Terrace Durham DH1 4QG

Replacement of windows to front elevation with sliding sash timber windows to match existing, replacement of timber windows to rear with UPVC and the insertion of two no. rooflights to the rear (part retrospective). (Amended description 08.02.2024)


70 Saddler Street


70 Saddler Street Durham DH1 3NP

Minor internal reconfiguration to become 2no capacity residential apartment, with a change of use class to C3(c).


74 Hallgarth Street


74 Hallgarth Street Durham DH1 3AY

Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a house in multiple occupation (Use Class C4) to provide staff accommodation for ZG Holdings Ltd


12 The Hallgarth


12 The Hallgarth Durham DH1 3BJ

Change of use from a C3 Dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a HMO (Use Class C4) with associated internal alterations.
