Applications: Policy H2

22 Nevilledale Terrace


22 Nevilledale Terrace Durham DH1 4QG

Refurbishment and insulation of existing roof construction and associated dormer, replacement of existing window in second floor dormer, replacement of 2 no. existing roof lights, replacement of an existing door and enlargement of an existing window to the existing rear extension and decorate and refurbishment of existing timber door to west elevation.


4 Back Mount Joy


4 Back Mount Joy Durham DH1 3AZ

Single storey rear extension


28 Albert Street


28 Albert Street Durham DH1 4RL

Replacement of existing conservatory to single storey rear extension with 2no. rooflights. Internal alterations to attic space including 2no. rooflights and increasing the size of existing dormer window. Demolition of existing garage and construction of two storey garage and garden room. (amended description)


Rowanwood Clay Lane


Rowanwood Clay Lane Durham DH1 4QL

Demolition of existing buildings and construction of 9 small House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) dwellings (use class C4) and 1 large HMO (use class sui generis) in three blocks.


80 Hallgarth Street


80 Hallgarth Street Durham DH1 3AY

Proposed part two storey and single storey rear extension to small HMO (Use Class C4) (description amended)


53 Hallgarth Street Replacement Front Door


53 Hallgarth Street Durham DH1 3AY

Replace red plastic-coated front door with white UPVC (retrospective)


164A Gilesgate Single Storey Dwelling


164A Gilesgate Durham DH1 1QH

Erection of single storey dwellinghouse


6-7 Market Place


6 – 7 Market Place Durham DH1 3HL

External existing signage and alarm box to be removed and made good; existing night safe’s face plate to be removed and existing aperture to be infilled with stonework to match existing; existing ATM to be removed and existing aperture to be infilled with stonework to match existing; existing letter boxes to be sealed internally. Internally remove cashiers counters from the ground floor; remove all furniture and Barclays fittings from all floors; removal of metal cage from basement level; removal of 1no existing glazing partition and 1no existing glazing door from ground level. (Amended description 03.01.2024)
