Applications: Policy H2

Ivyholme, 58 The Avenue


Ivyholme 58 The Avenue Durham DH1 4EB

Reparation of front elevation dormer. Conservation velux to front elevation, replacement garage windows. New timber sliding sash window to kitchen in previously bricked up opening. Solar panels to rear elevation roof slope. (amended description)


5 New Elvet New Shopfront


5 New Elvet Durham DH1 3AQ

Installation of new shop front (amended description)


Telecoms Mast and Cabinets Whitechurch


Land South East Of Whitechurch Church Street Head Durham DH1 3DN

Prior notification for the installation of a 15m high slim-line monopole, supporting 6no. antennas, 1no. wraparound equipment cabinet at the base of the monopole, 2no. equipment cabinets, 1no. electric meter cabinet and ancillary development thereto including 1no. GPS module


24 Nevilledale Terrace, 2023


24 Nevilledale Terrace Durham DH1 4QG

Change of Use from 6 Bed dwellinghouse to 2no. 2 bed flats. (amended description 09.02.2023)


STACK, 4-6 Silver Street


4 – 6 Silver Street Durham DH1 3RB

Change Of Use from Class E ‘Commercial, Business And Services’ to a mixed-use comprising uses within use Class E and Sui Generis ‘Drinking establishments and venues for live music performances and events’ with ancillary facilities, alterations to the external elevations and provision of a roof-top terrace with external seating and associated facilities.


Cricket Pavilion Green Lane


Durham City Cricket Pavilion Green Lane Durham DH1 3JU

Installation of security shutters to timber porch and windows on the north elevation, 4no flood lights, 1no to each elevation and erection of security fence and gate to the side


Tower Cottage The Avenue Extensions and Carport


Tower Cottage The Avenue Durham DH1 4EB

Raising of roof height and creation of upper floor. Rear and side extensions to existing house, including terraces to side and front and internal re-configuration. Detached car port with gazebo and garden storage facility and new vehicular access.


Ansford Potters Bank Oct 2022


Ansford Potters Bank Durham DH1 3RR

Erection of detached double garage with first floor accommodation
