Sniperley Park appeal, 2022

The City of Durham Trust has been closely involved in the emergence of Sniperley Park as Site H5 in the approved County Durham Plan and especially in the independently examined and modified wording of Policy 5. We objected to the release of the Green Belt in this area for housing. At the independent examination of the County Durham Plan we argued this point. And then when the Inspector agreed for Sniperley Park to be released for housing we constructively contributed to the wording of Policy 5: Durham City’s Sustainable Urban Extensions. Policy 5 provides detailed guidance on how this site should be developed to the high standards necessary to make it an attractive and sustainable place to live. We fully support the approved County Durham Plan’s policies relating to the Sniperley Park housing allocation.

Since the adoption of the County Durham Plan we have made responses to consultations about the comprehensive Masterplan required by Policy 5. In addition, we have objected to development proposals (by Bellway Homes Ltd and Co Durham Land LLP) for this site as they do not meet the requirements of Policy 5 and other policies within the Durham County Plan. These responses and objections can be seen below.

The two developers have appealed against the non-determination of their proposals by Durham County Council. The inquiry is now going ahead. Durham County Council is the main party and has presented a statement of case that they would have been minded to refuse the applications as they did not meet the requirements of policies in the Durham County Plan. A number of other organisations have received ‘Rule 6’ status to enable them to participate actively in this inquiry, including the City of Durham Trust. We are working collaboratively with other ‘Rule 6’ organisations as encouraged by the regulation to avoid making the inquiry too repetitious.

As the inquiry proceeds we will keep you up to date.

To track the appeal look at the Planning Inspectorate’s Appeals Casework Portal for 3303231 (lead case) and 3303244 (linked case),

Trust’s past responses and objections

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