Leazes Road Footbridge

The City of Durham Trust shares the widespread concern about the proposed loss of this critical pedestrian / cycleway link across the A690. We obviously understand that the bridge might have to be demolished for reasons of safety, but it is precisely for reasons of safety that we consider it needs to be replaced. The suggestion that it should be replaced by a pedestrian crossing at the top of Leazes Road is not an equally safe alternative.

It has been said that it is more important to replace Baths Bridge. This argument is difficult to justify as there is an alternative nearby in New Elvet Bridge, whereas there is no such alternative for crossing the A690.

The really objectionable point about the decision that the County Council has made, as far as we are aware, is that there has been no feasibility study to design and cost a replacement for the Leazes Bridge. It appears to have been simply dismissed out of hand as an impossibility. The Trust urges the Council to think again and to explore thoroughly the possibility of a replacement bridge. In particular, if the heart of the problem is the condition of the central span, the side supports and access routes should not be demolished in case these could be incorporated in a restored bridge.

The Trust has written to the Council and to local councillors expressing these concerns.

Local citizens have set up an e-petition to save the footbridge.

1 comment

  1. Message good Morning.
    My name is Clive Oliphant and I am Chartered Civil andStructural Engineer and I have been engaged to assist in trying to establish the validity or otherwise of retaining the footbridge. My question is do you have any record photographs relating to the bridge construction. I have located one showing the central span being lifted into place. I have been involved in may projects in the city that have been recognised by the Trust and i am keen to assist on this scheme.

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