Author : Content Editor

Riverside footpath closed

The riverside footpath at the bottom of Grove Street is closed.

Talk on 8th April 7pm

We are delighted to announce an online talk on the restoration work at Beaurepaire/Bearpark.

County Durham Pevsner Launch Delayed

Launch of the new County Durham Pevsner has been delayed.

Volunteer at Beaurepaire

Volunteers wanted for community heritage project at Beaurepaire Medieval Manor House.

NE Transport Plan

The Trust has responded to the recent consultation on the North East Transport Plan and sent out a press release.

Confused messages

Hoardings on the new multi-storey car park on the Sands proclaim “promoting sustainable green travel to the City”.

Planning Reform

The Trust has submitted detailed comments to the Parliamentary Select Committee considering the Government’s proposed reforms to the planning system in England and Wales.

Aykley Heads

Durham County Council has submitted a planning application for major developments on Aykley Heads comprising: a detailed application for an office block with associated parking and landscaping on land known as Plot C, and an outline planning application for the demolition of the existing County Hall site and the development…