Category : Durham County Council

The Sands Common Land Public Inquiry

Inquiry on 27-29 April and 11 & 12 May.

Multistorey carpark

The mulitistorey carpark on the Sands is now visible. Promoting sustainable green travel to the City?

County Council ignores its own Plan

Durham County Council has approved its own planning application for the Aykley Heads Business Park, for a design that ignores the energy standards in its recently-approved County Durham Plan.

Confused messages

Hoardings on the new multi-storey car park on the Sands proclaim “promoting sustainable green travel to the City”.

County Durham Street Space Covid-19 Response

The goverment is providing councils with emergency active-travel funding to ceate temporary interventions to make walking and cycling possible and safe under social distancing requirements. Durham County Council is carrying out a consultation to identify areas that need attention: Street Space in County Durham. The Trust has submitted their response.