Category : Consultation

Trust Response to Consultation on Sniperley Park Masterplan

The Trust commends what is present in the masterplan and proposes further enhancements

Decarbonisation Strategy

Trust’s response to consultation.

Have your say

Your views on Transport North East’s Decarbonisation Strategy.

NE Transport Plan

The Trust has responded to the recent consultation on the North East Transport Plan and sent out a press release.

Planning Reform

The Trust has submitted detailed comments to the Parliamentary Select Committee considering the Government’s proposed reforms to the planning system in England and Wales.

County Durham Street Space Covid-19 Response

The goverment is providing councils with emergency active-travel funding to ceate temporary interventions to make walking and cycling possible and safe under social distancing requirements. Durham County Council is carrying out a consultation to identify areas that need attention: Street Space in County Durham. The Trust has submitted their response.